The Dr. Monti Show

Science is evolving. So can you.

Health is key to really thrive, to think with precision, to feel energized as we face the world each day, and to be free of illness. Health used to be what the field of medicine was all about.

But did you know that while the United States leads the world in medical technologies, life expectancy in America is the lowest of all comparable countries? Canadians, Germans, the French, British, and Japanese can all expect to outlive Americans. And if we’re talking about people staying healthy while aging, the United States doesn’t crack the top 30 list of countries where people live well—in a literal sense—into their twilight years. At the same time, chronic disease and mental illness are both on the rise. It seems like Americans are increasingly unhealthy and unhappy. Sadly, most of us are not getting the right health information to live our best lives.

Dr. Monti interviews top medical experts and explores high-impact actions we can all take to lead healthier and happier lives.

Integrative medicine physician Dr. Daniel Monti is the CEO and founder of Thomas Jefferson University’s Marcus Institute of Integrative Health. Three years ago, he established the first-ever Integrative Medicine & Nutritional department at a U.S. medical school. Now, he’s leading a scientific team focused on solving these severe problems. The pandemic has made an already dire situation worse, making his work more critical now than ever.

In The Dr. Monti Show, Dr. Monti interviews top medical experts, explores high-impact actions we can all take, and hopefully move U.S. health care in the right direction, allowing all of us to lead healthier and happier lives.

Could part of the answer be a blending of forgotten ancient health principles with the latest modern technologies? What emerging therapies can bridge the gap between health care and health, giving countless patients their lives back? Join us in exploring these and other questions—tune in to The Dr. Monti Show.

The Dr. Monti Show: Episode Guide

Episode 1: Brain Fitness 101: Ultimate Guide to Optimal Brain Health

Health is key to success in the world. But sadly, most of us are not getting the right health information to live our best lives—to really thrive, to think with precision, to feel energized as we face the world each day, and to be free of illness. Health used to be what the field of medicine was all about.

While the United States leads the world in medical technologies, it doesn’t crack the top 30 list of countries where people live well—in a literal sense—into their twilight years. At the same time, chronic disease and mental illness are both on the rise. It seems like Americans are increasingly unhealthy and unhappy.

So what’s happening? Why do our advances in medicine not translate to better health? What can we do to change the direction of health care in our country?

Episode 2: Trauma: The Ghost in Our Cells–and Fascinating Ways to Heal It

In a nation where nearly 70 percent of adults have faced traumatic events, the profound impacts of trauma and its deep-rooted mind-body connection are more pertinent than ever. Studies have shown that unresolved trauma can manifest physically, leading to chronic pain, fatigue, and even autoimmune disorders. Surprisingly, many people live unaware that their health issues stem from past trauma, illustrating the intricate intertwining of our emotional and physiological well-being.

Episode 3: Precision Medicine: How It Saves Lives from Long COVID, Hormonal Imbalance and Medical Mysteries

In this episode, we dive into the medical mysteries of people who’ve been through the medical wringer. Dr. Monti meets a patient battling the long-haul effects of COVID. When they thought all of their options had been exhausted, precision medicine provided new hope with treatments as unique as their symptoms. He also unravels the medical mystery of an individual struggling with hormone imbalances that have thrown their life out of balance. Watch how a precise, personalized approach restores equilibrium, offering insights and solutions that go beyond standard care.

Episode 4: WARS of MIND: How the New Era of Medicine Fights Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Long COVID

In this episode, we explore how cutting-edge medicine is revolutionizing the way we understand and treat three major challenges to brain health: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and long COVID. These once-daunting conditions are now met with groundbreaking approaches that bring renewed hope to patients and families. Learn how N-acetyl cysteine is helping boost the brain’s natural antioxidant, glutathione, to reduce oxidative stress and slow disease progression. Hear about the compelling recovery journey of a physician battling long COVID and discover how hyperbaric oxygen therapy and precision nutrition played key roles in his dramatic improvement. Uncover the links between brain health and genes such as APOE4, MTHFR, and COMT, and explore actionable strategies to lower risk, delay disease onset, and maintain cognitive vitality.

This episode is a must-watch for anyone interested in brain health—whether you’re navigating a personal health challenge or striving to optimize your well-being. Join us to witness how a new era of medicine is rewriting the future of brain health and giving hope to millions.

Where else can I watch? Episodes are also available to watch on NTD, available on Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, Sony TV, App Store, Google Play, and some cable and satellite providers.

Dr. Daniel Monti, Integrative medicine doctor, pictured in white coat. A patient may be interested in integrative medicine services and clinic if they have the following interests: preventive medicine, healthy aging, prevention, whole person wellness, nutritional healing, integrative and alternative cancer therapies, holistic medicine, medical herbalism, alternative medicine, Vitamins and supplements, naturopathic doctors, complementary medicine, alternative medicine, holistic medicine, naturopathic medicine, functional medicine, mind body medicine, traditional medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, Chinese medicine, homeopathy, herbal medicine, integrative health, integrative therapy, integrative nutrition, integrative oncology, integrative psychiatry, integrative cardiology, integrative pediatrics, integrative gastroenterology, leaky gut, acupuncture, disease, meditation, complementary therapies, massage therapy, psychotherapy, holistic health, herbal medicine, preventive medicine, integrative primary care, alternatives to traditional primary care, alternative treatment of illness and cognitive decline.

About Dr. Dan Monti

Daniel A. Monti, MD, MBA is founder and CEO of the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health. He is also the founding Chair of the Department of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University—the historic, first-ever department of Integrative Medicine at a US medical school, which places the field of integrative medicine on par with traditional medical specialties.

In addition to conducting cutting-edge research and working with patients, Dr. Monti is the co-author of Tapestry of Health: Weaving Wellness into Your Life Through the New Science of Integrative Medicine and Brain Weaver: Creating the Fabric for a Healthy Mind through Integrative Medicine.

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