Weaving Wellness Into Your Life Through the New Science of Integrative Medicine

For too long, we have viewed medical care as something we seek out only when sick. Tapestry of Health shows us, instead, the integrative health approach: mindfully incorporating wellness into your lifestyle, not just through what you eat, but in all aspects physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, and nutritional.
As founders of the first integrative medicine clinic & department in a United States medical school, authors Dr. Daniel Monti and Dr. Anthony Bazzan provide research-driven, evidence-based advice informed by 20 years of clinical practice with their patients in Philadelphia.
Presenting health as a tapestry that we “weave” through each aspect of our daily lives, the authors share their science-backed plans for full body well-being:
- How to reach an optimal, manageable weight
- How to improve your nutrition, with detailed meal plans & vitamin guidance
- How to sleep well
- How to manage your stress
- How to balance your hormones
Uniquely, the book shares imaging scans demonstrating the effects of this integrative approach for their patients, as well as detailed case studies of patients who were treated with natural remedies. Tapestry of Health provides a fresh perspective for readers who are interested in healthy aging, prevention, whole-person wellness, nutritional healing, integrative and alternative cancer therapies, holistic medicine, medical herbalism, and alternative medicine.
Tapestry of Health Webinar Series
In the webinar series, Dr. Sara Gottfried leads eye-opening conversations with Tapestry of Health co-authors Daniel Monti, MD and Anthony Bazzan, MD. Watch the full webinar series »