How Integrative Medicine Can Optimize Executive Career Performance

If you are leading an organization, being at the top of your game is simply good business. While you may go for annual check-ups, the screening techniques available to family doctors are limited: advanced measurements of brain and body functionality are simply not part of a typical physical exam. Plus, your primary care doctor is unlikely to have the tools and knowledge to optimally tune your nutrition, sleep, and other areas of holistic well-being that can be critical for managing stress and staying healthy. So, what are your options for boosting professional performance and quality of life? 

Here, Daniel A. Monti, MD, founder & CEO of the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Thomas Jefferson University, explains how the tailored, one-day Executive Great Life (EGL) program comprehensively assesses your health. Then, how expert physicians apply the principles of integrative medicine to give you a health edge that will ultimately strengthen your professional performance and improve your quality of life.

What is integrative medicine? 

Integrative medicine is care that combines traditional medical treatment with holistically-guided, research-driven modalities, such as micronutrient therapy. At the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health, we work with each of our patients to provide highly individualized plans, usually involving multiple types of treatment.

Integrative medicine is not the same as “alternative medicine”—rather, our clinical practice is rooted in the principles of modern medical science. Our doctors are board-certified in their specialties (i.e. internal medicine), but have additional integrative holistic training. They are experts at helping you to incorporate lifestyle, nutrition, and other complementary therapies with traditional medical care, giving you a greater set of options to optimize outcomes. 

Our executive health program offers you much more than a simple “physical.” We harness the power of diagnostic technology and cutting-edge research to provide a personalized roadmap to optimal health. 

You may have already applied some principles of integrative medicine on a small scale: for example, when you get a cold, you may take high doses of vitamin C, soothe your throat with immune-boosting zinc lozenges, and use a neti pot to flush your nasal passages.

Here at the Marcus Institute, we use medical science to take integrative medicine to the next level by identifying practices that will best support your individual system on an ongoing basis, as well as when specific health concerns arise.

Examples of integrative medicine techniques

There are numerous integrative medicine techniques that have been proven to improve health and wellness outcomes. These include many mind-body therapies and other ground-breaking modalities:

  • Neuro-emotional technique to alleviate traumatic stress and improve performance
  • Biofeedback as a complementary treatment for stress, high blood pressure, headaches, sleep disorders, motility disorders, and chronic pain
  • Micronutrient therapy to treat migraine headaches, replenish depleted nutrients, or  support cancer care
  • Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for fatigue, decreased bone density, hot flashes, anxiety & depression, insomnia, muscle loss, night sweats, hair loss, and more
  • Cognitive re-training, oxygen therapy, advanced brain nutrition, and other innovative treatments for optimal brain health after injury or aging
  • Hypnosis for conditions such as headaches, anxiety ahead of events, smoking cessation, and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Lifestyle management counseling, dietary nutrition plans, and supplements
  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) to reduce chronic stress, anxiety, pain, and depression

How integrative medicine can optimize your work performance & your company’s bottom line

There is a robust body of research supporting the effectiveness of integrative medicine.¹ Integrative medicine has been used successfully to improve work performance and well-being in numerous ways, including mental wellness and endurance², optimal neurological function³, healthy stress management⁴, reduced depression and anxiety⁵, better sleep⁶, and boosted immunity⁷. Our executive health assessment also helps to identify latent concerns that may surface down the road and thus make recommendations that will serve you for years to come.

While all of these will improve your performance at work, it’s important to note that integrative medicine may also help to boost your company’s bottom line. Managers’ well-being and positive orientation toward their work may have a direct trickle-down effect, strongly influencing the employees they interact with, as well. And as Forbes reports, the benefits of “wellbeing programs” in corporate workplaces have been detected in stock market performance.⁸ By promoting prevention and early intervention, health and wellness programs also may save companies in healthcare costs long-term.⁹

Executive Great Life: The integrative medical assessment for executives’ health optimization

Our Executive Great Life (EGL) program offers you much more than a simple “physical.” We harness the power of cutting-edge research and diagnostic technology to provide a personalized roadmap to optimal health. After completing a detailed medical questionnaire and certain lab tests (we will guide you through obtaining these), you will visit the Marcus Institute for a full day working with our physicians, undergoing head-to-toe diagnostic tests with a personal health concierge by your side throughout. Our goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of your health—body, mind, and spirit—in order to identify immediate concerns, uncover potential risks, and put you on the path to optimal health and wellness.

After undergoing these extensive health screenings, you will learn easy-to-follow tools for taking control of your health. We will send you away with a research-driven, completely individualized plan for reaching and maintaining optimal health and wellness. Ultimately, EGL helps to remove anxiety and uncertainty about your well-being, and replaces it with a clear health care plan supported by skilled providers. 

Overview of the Executive Great Life program:

Who it’s for

Corporate executives, managers, employees, and retirees looking to optimize their health and wellness

What to expect

You will spend 1 full day at our facilities undergoing extensive health screening and receive personalized recommendations from the Marcus Institute’s board certified doctors.

Our goal

To obtain an accurate, comprehensive view of your current health status in order to (1) identify any immediate concerns, (2) uncover potential risks, and (3) provide actionable, easy-to-follow recommendations to put you on the path to optimal well-being.

Executive wellness program cost

Costs begin at $2,950, but vary from person to person since each assessment is personalized based on your health history, age, and other factors.

Integrative wellness program options

We offer 7 different program tiers under the Executive Great Life umbrella. Each tier is comprehensive, but with a certain focus, i.e. on brain health or the body-brain stress response. We’ll work with you to understand your needs and help you select an appropriate program during your enrollment.

Wellness & Medicine TiersBrain Tiers
CoreFunctional WellnessAdvanced WellnessPremierPrecision MedicineAdvanced BrainPrecision Brain
Comprehensive Laboratory Panel


Laboratory testing & analysis

Gender-specific testing
Extensive Health Screening


Medical history overview

Auditory & vision screening
Body Composition AnalysisYYYYY
Cardiac/Vascular ScreeningYYYYY
Exercise Stress Test with Metabolic Assessment


Resting and stress electrocardiogram (EKG)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
VO2 Max treadmill test
History & Physical Examination


Complete physical examination by one of Jefferson’s Executive Great Life board-certified physicians
Visit Summary

Full review of the day’s findings and recommendations.

A comprehensive medical report
Telehealth follow up to assess progress
YY – Also includes:
Advanced Functional Health & Wellness Planning
Y – Also includes:

Advanced Functional Health & Wellness Planning
Y – Also includes:
Advanced Functional Health & Wellness Planning
Y – Also includes: 
Precision medicine review with Dr. Sara Gottfried

Advanced Functional Health & Wellness Planning with Dr. Gottfried
Y – Also includes:
Advanced Functional Health & Wellness Planning
Y – Also includes:
Precision medicine review with Dr. Sara Gottfried
Advanced Functional Health & Wellness Planning with Dr. Gottfried
Computerized Psychometric ScreeningYYYY
Brain-Body Stress Assessment


Session with licensed clinical psychologist and biofeedback expert

Mental health related screenings
Learn biofeedback techniques
Executive Performance Optimization

Coaching session with a licensed and registered occupational therapist
Full-Body MRI ImagingYY
Deep Phenotyping AnalysisYY
Extensive Hormone AnalysisY
Functional Neuro-performance Assessment


Assessment with a licensed and registered occupational therapist
Oculomotor & vestibular screening
Functional cognition testing
FDG-PET/MRI Brain ImagingYY
  Wellness & Medicine Tiers Brain Tiers
  Core Functional Wellness Advanced Wellness Premier Precision Medicine Advanced Brain Precision Brain
Comprehensive Laboratory Panel


Laboratory testing & analysis


Extensive Health Screening


Medical history overview

& vision screening

Body Composition Analysis Y Y Y Y Y    
Cardiac/Vascular Screening Y Y Y Y Y    
Exercise Stress Test with Metabolic Assessment


Resting and stress electrocardiogram
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
VO2 Max treadmill test

Y Y Y Y Y    
History & Physical Examination


Complete physical examination by one
of Jefferson’s Executive Great Life board-certified physicians

Visit Summary

Full review
of the day’s findings and recommendations.

A comprehensive
medical report
Telehealth follow up to assess progress

Y Y – Also includes:
Advanced Functional Health & Wellness
Y – Also includes:

Advanced Functional Health &
Wellness Planning

Y – Also includes:
Advanced Functional Health & Wellness
Y – Also includes: 
Precision medicine review with Dr. Sara

Advanced Functional Health & Wellness
Planning with Dr. Gottfried

Y – Also includes:
Advanced Functional Health & Wellness
Y – Also includes:
Precision medicine review with Dr. Sara
Advanced Functional Health & Wellness Planning with
Dr. Gottfried
Computerized Psychometric Screening     Y Y   Y Y
Brain-Body Stress Assessment


Session with licensed
clinical psychologist and biofeedback expert

Mental health
related screenings
Learn biofeedback techniques

    Y Y Y Y Y
Executive Performance Optimization

Coaching session with a
licensed and registered occupational therapist
    Y Y Y    
Full-Body MRI Imaging       Y Y    
Deep Phenotyping Analysis         Y   Y
Extensive Hormone Analysis         Y    
Functional Neuro-performance Assessment


Assessment with a
licensed and registered occupational therapist
Oculomotor &
vestibular screening
Functional cognition testing

          Y Y
FDG-PET/MRI Brain Imaging           Y Y

Why choose the Marcus Institute for your integrative medicine assessment?

The Marcus Institute of Integrative Health at Thomas Jefferson University is a highly-respected integrative medicine clinic, leading research hub, and part of the Sidney Kimmel Medical College’s Department of Integrative Medicine & Nutritional Sciences—the first of its kind at a U.S. medical school. We are a global destination for clinical care that utilizes the best of modern medicine paired with innovative technologies and cutting-edge wellness solutions.

At the Marcus Institute, you will work with highly-trained, board-certified doctors who are experts in integrative medicine. The physicians leading the program are “triple threats”: published researchers and authors, academic professors, and clinicians who see patients like you every day. And we take “patient-centered care” very seriously: your care team is fully focused on helping you be your very best—not on quickly writing out an Rx so they can move on to see the next patient.

Finally, our doctors have access to cutting-edge diagnostic technology. Normally reserved for assessment of malignancies, our state-of-the-art PET-MRI imaging system (positron emission tomography & magnetic resonance imaging) at the Jefferson Outpatient Imaging Clinic allows us to visualize your brain and body functionality—and ultimately to evaluate your overall health.

Contact us today to schedule your Executive Great Life assessment and begin your journey to a healthier future for your business AND yourself. We look forward to helping you reach your full potential!

1. Integrative Medicine as a Vital Component of Patient Care, Cureus Journal of Medical Science, 2018.

2. Medical Students’ Stress Levels and Sense of Well Being after Six Weeks of Yoga and Meditation, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2016.

3. Complementary and Integrative Medicine for Neurological Conditions: A Review, Medical Clinics of North America, 2017.

4 Holistic Nursing in Practice: Mindfulness-Based Yoga as an Intervention to Manage Stress and Burnout, Journal of Holistic Nursing, 2021.

5. The Feasibility and Efficacy of a Brief Integrative Treatment for Adults With Depression and/or Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 2020.

6. Yogic meditation improves objective and subjective sleep quality of healthcare professionals, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2020.

7. Integrative Health and Your Immune System, University of Wisconsin Integrative Health, 2021.

8. “The Stock Performance of C. Everett Koop Award Winners Compared With the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index,” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2016.

9. “What’s the Hard Return on Employee Wellness Programs?,” Harvard Business Review, 2010. 

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