Research in neuroscience, natural treatments, and more
Dr. Daniel A. Monti’s extensive research experience has focused on neuroscience, brain effects of mind-body interventions, brain mechanisms of healing and recovery, and testing natural molecules for therapeutic efficacy in nervous system diseases and cancer. As both a clinical physician and researcher, he has dozens of scholarly publications and has been a peer reviewer for numerous medical journals and study sections at the National Institutes of Health and Department of Defense. Dr. Monti is also the recipient of several federally-funded and private research grants.
Some of Dr. Monti’s research publications include:
- Identification of chronic mild traumatic brain injury using resting state functional MRI and machine learning techniques (2023)
- A Vitamin C Renal Leak in Fabry Disease: The Rare Informs the Common (2023)
- Pharmacologic Ascorbic Acid as Early Therapy for Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial (2022)
- Continuous glucose monitoring metrics for earlier identification of pre-diabetes: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)
- Alterations in cerebral glucose metabolism as measured by 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-PET in patients with persistent postconcussion syndrome (2021)
- Hybrid diffusion imaging reveals altered white matter tract integrity and associations with symptoms and cognitive dysfunction in chronic traumatic brain injury (2021)
- Personalized Nutrition as a Key Contributor to Improving Radiation Response in Breast Cancer (2021)
- N-acetyl cysteine administration affects cerebral blood flow as measured by arterial spin labeling MRI in patients with multiple sclerosis (2021)
- Resting-State Functional MRI Metrics in Patients With Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Their Association With Clinical Cognitive Performance (2021)
- N-acetyl Cysteine Administration Is Associated With Increased Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: An Exploratory Study (2020)
- An fMRI Study of the Effects of Vibroacoustic Stimulation on Functional Connectivity in Patients with Insomnia (2020)
- N-Acetyl Cysteine Is Associated With Dopaminergic Improvement in Parkinson’s Disease (2019)
- Brief Report: Stability and Chemical Characteristics of Injectable Ascorbic Acid for Patients With Cancer (2019)
- Retrospective Evaluation of Clinical Experience With Intravenous Ascorbic Acid in Patients With Cancer (2018)
- Caloric restriction counteracts chemotherapy-induced inflammation and increases response to therapy in a triple negative breast cancer model (2018)
- Changes in cerebellar functional connectivity and autonomic regulation in cancer patients treated with the Neuro Emotional Technique for traumatic stress symptoms (2018)
- Synergistic effects of ascorbate and sorafenib in hepatocellular carcinoma: New insights into ascorbate cytotoxicity (2017)
- Neuro emotional technique effects on brain physiology in cancer patients with traumatic stress symptoms: preliminary findings (2017)
- Costs and Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy versus Standard Breast Cancer Support Group for Women with Cancer (2017)
- Meditation and neurodegenerative diseases (2014)
- Current evidence regarding the management of mood and anxiety disorders using complementary and alternative medicine (2014)
- Diet and nutrition in cancer survivorship and palliative care (2013)
- Selectively starving cancer cells through dietary manipulation: methods and clinical implications (2013)
- Effects of an 8-week meditation program on mood and anxiety in patients with memory loss (2012)
- Patients seek integrative medicine for preventive approach to optimize health (2012)
- Positron emission tomography in psychiatric disorders (2011)
- Complementary and alternative medicine therapies in mood disorders (2011)
- Potential role of mind-body therapies in cancer survivorship (2008)
- Managing cancer pain with nonpharmacologic and complementary therapies (2007)
- Complementary medicine in chronic cancer care (2005)
- Nonpharmacologic and complementary approaches to cancer pain management (2005)